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[UIToolkit] FlexGrow variable value doesn't appropriately affect List el...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the user's attached "ListGrowBug" project 2. Open the "Bug -> Open" window from the menu Expected result:... Read more
NullReferenceException is thrown when removing array item from selected ...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the user's attached project 2. In the Inspector window, from the More Items (⋮) menu, switch from Normal v... Read more
[UIToolkit] ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown when adding/removing e...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached "case_1418688" project 2. Open the "SampleScene" Scene 3. Select the "Repro" GameObject in th... Read more
Asset reimportation/refresh cause exception when displayed on the game v...
no present in 2022.1.0a16.2319 present in 2022.2.0a1.319 Create a new UXML t with a few elements, assign in a UI document and set t... Read more
Cannot Compile - LineCap cannot be found in UnityEngine.UIElementsModule
1. Open the project PrecompiledAssemblyBug in 2022.1.0b9 2. Notice the project compiles fine 3. Open the project PrecompiledAssembly... Read more
UI Elements buttons no longer register clicks in build
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project ("My") 2. Open "ZooMap" scene 3. Enter Play mode 4. Click on the questi... Read more
Editor crashes when a GameObject is drag and dropped into a Script field
How to reproduce: 1. Open users attached project 2. In the Hierarchy window select the "GameManger" GameObject 3. In the Inspector w... Read more
Custom Inspector PropertyField Foldouts do not stay collapsed when redra...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project ( 2. Open scene Scenes/SampleScene 3. In the Hierarchy, selec... Read more
Some variables are not shown in the Inspector of prefab instance when UI...
Steps: 1. Open attached project 2. Open "scene" scene 3. Select Placer prefab instance 4. Change "Placer Type" to Line in Item Place... Read more
[UI Toolkit] Debugger window is very slow with specific elements
Reproduction steps: 1. Create a new Project 2. Open UI Toolkit Debugger (Ctrl + F5 on Windows 10 or via Inspector ellipsis menu) 3. ... Read more
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- Crash on PrepareDrawShadowsCommandStep1 when entering the Play Mode in a specific project
- Physics Layer Collision Matrix's Layer names, checkboxes and hover highlights become misaligned when the Editor's UI Scaling gets changed
- Light/shadow information on an edge of a Terrain tile creates a seam with an adjacent Terrain tile when baking a LightMap
- "Missing types referenced from component UniversalRenderPipelineGlobalSettings on game object UniversalRenderPipelineGlobalSettings..." warning is thrown after switching the Platform to tvOS
- “Metal: Error creating pipeline state (Universal Render Pipeline/2D/Sprite-Lit-Default): Vertex attribute BLENDINDICES0(5) of type uint4 cannot be read using MTLAttributeFormatFloat2 (null)“ when setting GPU Skinning to GPU after opening the project