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iOS Memory leak in GetPixels and GetPixels32
How to reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Open scene WebCamTest.unity 3. Build to iOS and run - The app crashes with this erro... Read more
[.NET 4.6][iOS] Crash in il2cpp::icalls::System::System::Net::Sockets::S...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Download the project attached by the user 2. Build "test" scene to iOS 3. Build the project to an iOS device ... Read more
Texture uploading is broken on various iOS device generations
Texture uploading is broken on various iOS device generations 1. What happened I create a Texture2D on the fly, do some color mat... Read more
[tvOS][iOS] App Overrides device'e ambient music
To Reproduce: 1. Play any music on an AppleTV (Only way to do this, that I've found, is to us Home Share from your Mac (just enable... Read more
There's no way to query currently selected keyboard on iOS
See here: Read more
[iOS][ES2] Shader fails to compile in the GfxDeviceGLES on 5.4/5.5
To Reproduce: 1. Build the attached project for GLES2 (tested on iOS) 2. Observe that after the app is launched you'll get these er... Read more
[Atomics] Device freezes in an apparent loop after running project for a...
How to reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Build to iOS and run 3. Play the game for a while - The game freezes, but Xcode does... Read more
[iOS7] Video ad does not play after putting app into background
How to reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Open scene Scenes/test.unity 3. Build to iOS and run 5. Press the "Button" button on ... Read more
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Latest issues
- Memory leak when a lot of UI elements are spawned and despawned
- Warnings are not logged in the Console window when using external code analyzers
- Errors “TLS Allocator ALLOC_TEMP_TLS, underlying allocator ALLOC_TEMP_MAIN has unfreed allocations, size 288“ appear constantly when Prefab is open
- Crash on PPtr<Shader>::operator or NullException errors spammed in console when calling Dispose() on null GraphicsBuffer with baked Reflection Probes
- “EndRenderPass: Not inside a Renderpass” and other Render Graph errors in the Player when Render Graph is enabled and Overlay UI is used