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EditorGUIUtility.GetBuiltinSkin() does not display the EditorSkin of the...
How to reproduce: 1. Open user-submitted project (BuiltinInspectorSkinError) 2. In the Hierarchy window select the 'SelectThis' Game... Read more
Selecting a Color property and changing its color modifies the following...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached '' project and load 'EasyMode' scene 2. In the Hierarchy window select 'Ob... Read more
"MissingMethodException" Error When Selecting default Text Mesh Pro GUI ...
To reproduce: 1. Open attached Unity project "TMP Bug" 2. Open "main" scene 3. In the hierarchy, navigate to Canvas --> ... Read more
Undo SetCurrentGroupName() is overriden by RecordObjects() when using Redo
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open project contained in "" 2. Enter "Main" scene 3. Select Main Camera and Directional Light gameob... Read more
GUI TextField doesn't update when showing different TextField data in cu...
To reproduce: 1. Open my attached project 2. Open custom GUI window TEST (check .gif attached), press Open Test Window 1 3. In new t... Read more
EditorUtility.SaveFilePanelInProject shows exception after trying to sav...
To reproduce: 1. Open the project, attached by the tester ( 2. Open the "scene" scene 3. Select Main Camera i... Read more
[Profiler] Cross button activated in a blank search bar when Hierarchy i...
Cross button activated in a blank search bar when Hierarchy is selected in CPU usage. Steps to Repro: 1. Create a new Project 2. O... Read more
TLS Allocator ALLOC_TEMP_TLS error is thrown when dragging GameObject fr...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the user's attached project 2. Open the "SampleScene" Scene 3. Open the "Test Editor Window" from the me... Read more
[IMGUI] Pre-selection and Selection highlights are not visible for Asset...
The Pre-selection(yellow) and Selection highlights(blue) for Asset Input Fields are not visible. Even though the Asset has been load... Read more
"EndLayoutGroup" error thrown in console on importing raw terrain file
Console throws 'EndLayoutGroup" error on importing a raw terrain file. Steps to reproduce 1. Create a project. 2. Create a terrain... Read more
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Latest issues
- Crash on EnsureUniqueSiblingName when calling GameObjectUtility.EnsureUniqueNameForSibling() with a null argument
- Changes are not applied when selecting Platform settings for Plugins
- Particle System only collides with one Terrain Collider at a time when Collision Type is set to 'World'
- Editor crashes on StoredGraphicsBuffer::GetGfxBufferID when VFX Graph property is modified during Play Mode and Application.targetFrameRate is used to limit FPS
- Crash on NVAPI_Thunk when changing Player resolution while HDR display is used and Direct3D12 is set as the graphics API