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[URP] Image on the secondary display with a different resolution is stre...

Graphics - LowLevel


Dec 15, 2019


Version/s: 2019.2, 2019.3, 2020.1, 2020.1.0a16

How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project named "Case_1205574" 2. Build and run the project 3. Observe the Game windows on both... Read more


Static batching changes Normal map on GameObjects when negative values a...

Graphics - LowLevel


Dec 13, 2019


Version/s: 2017.4, 2019.3.0f3, 2020.2

How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached "" project 2. Open the SampleScene Scene 3. Enter Play Mode 4. Observe the two Cub... Read more

By Design

Materials do not get batched when GPU Instancing is enabled and Texture2...

Graphics - LowLevel


Sep 23, 2019


Version/s: 2017.4, 2018.4, 2019.2, 2019.2.6f1, 2019.3, 2020.1

How to reproduce: 1. Open attached project "" and scene "SampleScene" 2. Enter Playmode 3. Observe Scene view -> S... Read more

Won't Fix

[2D] Instancing is broken when scene objects have custom properties set ...

Graphics - LowLevel


Jul 29, 2019


Version/s: 2017.4.0f1, 2018.2.21f1, 2018.4.0f1, 2019.1.0a1, 2019.2.0a1, 2019.3.0a1

How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project ("") 2. Open the repro scene ("SampleScene") 3. Open th... Read more

Won't Fix

Editor crashes with GfxDeviceD3D11Base::CopyRenderSurfaceDesc after chan...

Graphics - LowLevel


Feb 16, 2019


Version/s: 2018.3.0a1, 2018.3.5f1, 2019.1.0a1, 2019.2.0a1, 2019.3.0a1

How to reproduce: 1. Open new Unity project 2. Unplug the laptop from charging 3. Turn on Battery Boost on GeForce Experience 4. Cha... Read more

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