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AudioSource causes volume bump when being re-enabled
To reproduce: 1. Open the "scene" scene in the attached project 2. Select the "GameObject" from the Hierarchy 3. Enter the Play mode... Read more
Audio clip will be heard for a very short time even if Max Distance does...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project( 2. Open the test scene 3. Play the scene (repeat this step... Read more
[Audio] Cutoff frequency text gets clipped for higher values in high/ lo...
Cutoff frequency unit Hertz gets clipped for higher values for both high/ low pass filter in Audio mixer. Refer the attached video ... Read more
AudioSource volume doesn't work when AudioSource is a child of gamobject...
If an AudioSource is a child of a Rigidbody and Time.timeScale is set to zero, the AudioSource's volume will become stuck at whateve... Read more
Leaving Play mode crashes Editor when Audio Track exceeds Activation Tra...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached "" project 2. Open the "Main" scene 3. Enter Play mode 4. Select the "Direct... Read more
MonoBehaviour::OnAudioReadFilter processing does not affect audio when A...
To reproduce: 1. Open the "UnityPlayOnAwakeBug" scene in the attached project 2. Select the "Trigger Source" Game Object from the Hi... Read more
Echo delay parameter in Play mode differs from chosen value in Inspector
To reproduce: 1. Open user's project 2. Open Audio mixer, select master from Groups 3. In Inspector window, change the delay to ~100... Read more
Inconsistent Echo Delay in AudioMixer when Delay set to 3000ms or more
To reproduce: 1. Open user's project 2. Open Audio mixer, select master from Groups 3. In Inspector window, change the delay to ~300... Read more
Microphone.GetDeviceCaps returns the same values for both minimal and ma...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Download and open the attached project 2. Through System settings, set sampling rate of a microphone to a hig... Read more
[REGRESSION] Audio clip plays at the maximum volume for a few frames whe...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open attached project ""; 2. Open "Audio Bug" scene 3. Enter play mode 4. Listen to the sound as th... Read more
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- Incorrect Shader keyword activation for Shadows when no Light is present in URP
- Editor freezes when loading a specific AssetBundle
- WebGPU builds with Multithreading enabled crash on Safari
- Set as Value in UI Builder doesn't work across all properties.
- Reorderable ListView inside a ScrollView has a glitchy behavior when trying to reorder items