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[2D Animation] PSB rig are not animated when used in Preview window to p...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project ("") 2. Open the repro scene ("SampleScene") 3. Op... Read more
[Component] Dragging a VFX asset to the hierarchy or scene no longer ass...
Repro steps: 1. Open a VFX-enabled project 2. Create a VFX asset in the Project folder 3. Drag the VFX asset to the scene or hierach... Read more
An asset in StreamingAssets/aa folder is being searched for which was de...
How to reproduce: 1. Open user's attached "AddressableDoesNotDeleteGeneratedStreamingAssets" project 2. Open Addressables Groups... Read more
Multiple Clear (color+Z+stencil) frame buffer causing unnecessary bandwi...
How to reproduce: 1. Open SampleScene 2. In Assets, select Settings -> ForwardRenderer asset 3. Active the FrameDebugger and check ... Read more
[ShaderGraph] Shader Graph Main Preview window freezes when property cha...
Reproduction steps: 1. Import the provided custom package "New.unitypackage" 2. In the Project window under "Shaders/Breathing" open... Read more
[ShaderGraph] Main Preview window doesn't scale with Shader preview to i...
Reproduction steps: 1. Import the provided custom package "New.unitypackage" 2. In the Project window under "Shaders/Breathing" open... Read more
[Cinemachine] Auto exposer causes light flash effects and Game view beco...
- Auto exposer causes light flash effects and the Game view becomes white on taking Virtual Camera. - On hovering/clicking mouse on... Read more
[Metal] Mirror Sharing screen of a Game to AppleTV causes the AppleTV sc...
Reproduction steps (repro is not 100% consistent): 1. Open user's provided project linked in a reply (look for %20Screen) 2. Build t... Read more
[HDRP] Assertion failed on expression error is thrown in the Console whe...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the project from the attached file ""(link in edit) 2. Right-click on Assets and go to > Crea... Read more
Input System switches which character is controlled by the Xbox One cont...
Repro steps: 1. Open the user's attached project "" 2. Open the scene rmTest from Project > Assets 3. Connect the... Read more
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Latest issues
- Text Object position shifts when selecting multiple Text Objects and expanding the Extra Settings in the Inspector
- Keywords on Material Variants aren't automatically saved when changed on original Material through Shader Graph
- Light Probes get baked when calling LightProbes.Tetrahedralize
- Shadows flicker and cause visual artifacts when modifying a GameObject's bounds using Swizzle (Y Mask) and Sine Time nodes
- [WebGL] Frame rate drops by 5-20 fps when moving cursor or touch input in the Player