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[WP8] Apps are completely black on Windows Phones
To reproduce: 1. Create a new project 2. Build & run for WP8 3. Notice that the app is completely black - nothing is rendered. Regr... Read more
Project view sorts long titles incorrectly
To reproduce the bug please follow the steps 1. Open case 681738 project 2. Project view shows incorrect files order in "recordings"... Read more
StateMachineBehaviour Cannot Disable Animator GameObject
Steps to reproduce crash: 1. Open attached project's "" scene Level (Assets/Scenes) 2. Play the scene. 3. Press "Dive", sk... Read more
Physics2D.CircleCastAll does not hit every collider in its path
How to reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Open scene SampleScene.unity - Scene contains 4 objects with colliders attached 3. P... Read more
WebGL builds crash when certain unmanaged memory is freed.
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open attached project's scene "WebGL String Marshalling Bug". 2. Build and run for WebGL. 3. Type in text fie... Read more
[iOS][MeshRenderer] Attaching new mesh via script on several meshrendere...
1. Open attached project with 5.0.0p1 2. Build to iOS 3. Application will crash Note: crash does not appear when only one mesh rend... Read more
[Collision, ScriptingAPI] OnParticleCollision triggers when there is not...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the second attached project 2. Open scene particlesys.unity 3. Play the scene - Note how every time a pa... Read more
[RealtimeGI] Reloading a scene in game mode makes it lose lighting in ed...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project 2. Open 'Testbed' scene 3. Wait for the baking to complete 4. Play the scene 5. Pr... Read more
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- Profiling information icon does not update for Light Mode
- [Linux] Type to select functionality is missing for drop down menus
- TextMeshPro calculates Width Compression incorrectly when using certain values in the WD% field
- VFX Graph link contrasts fail WCAG guidelines
- D3D12 PSO disk cache feature crashes if paths contain non-ASCII characters