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[Linux] Build fails with "clang not found" errors when building an IL2CP...
*Repro Steps:* 1. Create a new Android 3D project 2. Click File > Build Settings > Add Open Scenes 3. In Build Settings window, c... Read more
[M1] "Dedicated Server support for Windows is not installed" error is sh...
Reproduction steps: 1. Download Windows Dedicated Server Build Support module in the Hub 2. Open any project 3. Go to File > Buil... Read more
Project sorting is not preserved when closing and reopening the Hub
Reproduction steps: 1. Change the project sorting from “MODIFIED ^” to anything else 2. Close the Hub 3. Reopen the Hub Expected re... Read more
"Install failed: Validation Failed" error when installing a language Mod...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the Hub 2. Select Installs 3. Select the Editor you want to add components to 4. Click the cog icon to t... Read more
[HUB] Unity hub reports incorrect Module status after removing modules f...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open Unity Hub 2. Download a Unity stream (e.g 2022.3) and select Android Modules to install (NDK, JDK, SDK... Read more
Editor version still shows as "Uninstalling" when clicking "No" in the W...
Reproduction steps: 1. Go to Hub > Installs 2. Click the cogwheel next to a version and select "Uninstall" 3. When the "Do you wa... Read more
Hub installs editor versions in a reversed order
How to reproduce: # Queue 2 versions to download at once - take note of the order of queued downloads # Wait for hub to download... Read more
[Hub][Mac] Unity Hub Bug Reporter window does not open on top of Hub
How to reproduce: 1. In Unity Hub, go to Profile foldout menu -> Troubleshooting -> Report a Problem 2. Observe the Unity Hub Bug ... Read more
An error message is shown "The Hub is unable to load Editor versions. Pl...
How to reproduce: # Open the Hub 3.8.0 # Go to the “Installs” tab and click the “Install Editor“ button # Select “Pre-releases“... Read more
On macOS with Apple Silicon CPU only Intel versions of the Editor are av...
Steps to reproduce: 1. On macOS with Silicon CPU open "" 2. Click the green button l... Read more
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Latest issues
- Prefab Override popup displays on wrong monitor when Inspector width is resized to minimum
- Scroll View is not moving by inertia after scrolling by click and dragging when Editor window is minimized and Canvas "Render Mode" is set to "World Space"
- "type mismatch error" occurs when the currentDirectionWS output of a Sample Water Surface node is connected to a float3 input
- URP Material Upgrade utility does not enable Alpha Clipping when material had Rendering Mode set to Cutout
- Particle System emission ignores the Sprite Atlas when using a Material that has the "Include in Build" setting unchecked