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Texture property error spam when selecting a GameObject with 'ProblemMat...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the user attached project 2. Open ProblemScene.unity 3. In Hierarchy select the Sphere GameObject Expecte... Read more
"Shader not supported on this GPU" error is thrown when stripping a Shad...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the user's attached "UsePassStripping" project 2. Build and Run the "SampleScene" Scene 3. Observe the Cub... Read more
GameObject with a custom Shader is invisible when multi_compile keywords...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project "haircut_repro" 2. Open the scene "SampleScene" (Assets/Scenes/SampleScene.unity) 3. ... Read more
Shader variant keyword not used when running Player
How to reproduce: 1. Open the user's attached project "" 2. Build and Run Expected result: "Cube" GameObject a... Read more
Specific water material is not rendered in the Editor and in builds
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached 'HDRP_2022-2_Testing' project 2. Open the 'OutdoorsScene' 3. Observe the Scene view Expect... Read more
Shader Compiler errors are thrown due to unexpected reasons related to t...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the user's attached "Bug_report_project" project 2. Compile the "Assets -> UpscaleShader" Shader Expected... Read more
Pass.CompileVariant fails to compile a variant if the shader is not supp...
STR: 1. Make a new project from the 3D template. 2. Put the attached shader and C# script in the Assets folder. 3. Use the menu "Rep... Read more
No error if setting a property with the same name but different types
STR: 1. Create a new project using the 3D template 2. Copy the attached script to the Assets folder 3. Assign this script to the mai... Read more
Variant directives do not set disabled keywords to 0
#pragma multi_compile and #pragma shader_feature directives do not set disabled keywords to 0, which results in unknown identifiers ... Read more
Editing Shader includes does not always update Shaders when changes are ...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached Unity project "" from Google Drive (link in the edit) 2. In the Project wind... Read more
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- Inspector window flickers when a selector is created using a Style Class List Section
- [iOS] "UnityBatchPlayerLoop()" causes a freeze in the iOS application when it is put to the background and brought back to the foreground
- "Perform Selected" of Shortcut Manager window does not perform the shortcut in some cases
- Crash on mono_get_hazardous_pointer when running Play Mode tests in a specific project
- [iOS] ‘확인’(Done) and '취소'(Cancel) text is displayed as '...' in the on-screen keyboard when the System preferred language is set to Korean