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Pixel Heights isn't correct in Scene view when UI Scaling is set to 125%
Reproduction steps: 1. Open project "" 2. Open Preferences window from Edit > Preferences then change the UI Scaling... Read more
[Scene] Additive Materials Not Showing in Wireframe Mode
Additive (or Additive (Soft)) material is not showed in Scene tab when the shading mode is "Wireframe". Steps for reproduction: 1... Read more
Multiscene editing adds UI components to the first scene, not to the sel...
Multiscene editing adds UI components to the first scene, not to the selected scene Read more
[ColorSpace] Changing color space to 'Linear' and reopening the project ...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Create new Unity project 2. Add random game object to the scene 3. Notice you can select anything you want i... Read more
[Gizmos] InSelectionHierarchy does not draw gizmo when the child is sele...
To reproduce this issue: 1. Open the 'scene' 2. Select 'Main Camera' 3. Gizmo is shown in the scene 4. Select its child 4. No gizmo... Read more
Missing Undo/Redo for GameObject > Toggle Active State
To reproduce: 1. Open new project 2. Select Main Camera 3. Press Gameobject -> Toggle Active State 4. Press Edit -> Undo Selection C... Read more
Editor poor/slow performance with multiple GameObjects (around 2k) while...
How to reproduce: 1. Open attached project "" and scene "SampleScene" 2. Enter Play mode 3. In Scene view, rotate the... Read more
RenderTexture.Create failed error when GameView aspect ratio is automati...
To reproduce: 1. Open Game View 2. Open Aspect Ratio options 3. Add New Aspect Ratio (width: 99999; height: 10) Actual: GameView ... Read more
GameView error message when using high resolution (>4096x4096)
Error message when exceeding maximum resolution should include that OpenGL ES 2 simulation is the cause (using no emulation shows no... Read more
The Game View Scale changes from 2x to 1x when transitioning from Edit t...
How to reproduce: 1. Open attached project -- Target platform is set to iOS -- Low Resolution Aspect Ratios box is unchecked 2. Veri... Read more
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- Memory leak when a lot of UI elements are spawned and despawned
- Warnings are not logged in the Console window when using external code analyzers
- Errors “TLS Allocator ALLOC_TEMP_TLS, underlying allocator ALLOC_TEMP_MAIN has unfreed allocations, size 288“ appear constantly when Prefab is open
- Crash on PPtr<Shader>::operator or NullException errors spammed in console when calling Dispose() on null GraphicsBuffer with baked Reflection Probes
- “EndRenderPass: Not inside a Renderpass” and other Render Graph errors in the Player when Render Graph is enabled and Overlay UI is used