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[.NET 4.6] Editor crashes in mfplat.dll when calling CSCore method on .N...
Steps to reproduce: 1.Open attached “” Unity project 2.Download attached 'Test.mp3' file 3.Select 'SongLoader' objec... Read more
Initializing global MonoBehaviour using new keyword causes Unity to crash
Reproduction steps: 1. Open user attached project "Main" scene. Notice Unity is crashing 2. Comment Line 14 in CloudGen.cs script ... Read more
[Breakpoint][OSX] Cursor freezes/disappears when breakpoint is reached
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open Unity on OSX; 2. Create new project; 3. Import attached 'testBreakpointCursorBug.unitypackage' package;... Read more
Build crashes at AddClipboardFormatListener
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project 2. Open the Assets/Scenes/main.unity scene 3. Build and Run 4. Left click in the bu... Read more
System.ArgumentException: The field handle and the type handle are incom...
To reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Notice exception in console Read more
Passing accessMask = 0 to MutexAccessRule : base constructor, throws Arg...
Passing accessMask=0 (second argument in base), throws ArgumentOutOfRangeException : public MutexAccessRule (..., ..., ...) : base (... Read more
In Unity 3.4, the JavaScript compiler has buggy detection of
The reported bug occurs when the third parameter (counting expression) of the for loop is present. Once it is removed, the warning g... Read more
Native DLL is not imported in Editor while it is working in standalone a...
To reproduce the issue follow the steps: 1. Create new project 2. Download dll's user has attached ( ENet.dll, ENetCS.dll) 3. Try im... Read more
Unity crashes when Marshal.StructureToPtr is used
How to reproduce: 1. Download attached project 2. Open "111" Scene 3. Press Play Expected result: Unity should not crash Actual re... Read more
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- ScriptUpdater does not work correctly when Chinese(Simplified) language support is enabled and compiler messages are localized
- Crash on VFXValueWrapper::GetTexture when reimporting texture in use by out of bounds VFX
- Crash on RaiseException when watching an Interface Property
- Assembly definition "Any Platform" checkbox is useless and does not follow nested checkbox rules
- Input from the "Backslash" key is not detected in the Web Player when using the Japanese 106/109 key keyboard