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[Android][OpenGLES 3] DrawMeshInstanced is not compatible on Snapdragon ...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached user's project "" 2. Build for Android 3. In the top left click the butto... Read more
[iOS][tvOS] Built-in deferred rendering path is not functioning on some ...
How to reproduce: 1. Open attached project “DeferredRendererTest-2019.4.20f1” 2. Build the project and open it in Xcode 3. In the Me... Read more
[Android] [Swappy] Application crash on start when Swappy enabled
Steps to reproduce: 1) Download attached project and open in Unity 2) Build and Run project on a device 3) Observe the crash on laun... Read more
[Android] Eyelid is displayed incorrectly when skinMeshRenderer.SetBlend...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the user's attached project "" 2. Load the Scene "test1" 3. Build and Run the project to an ... Read more
[Android][GI] Blocky artifacts in lightmap
In a very simple scene the baked lighting on a static cube is rendered smoothly on Desktop but has green splotches on Android. My b... Read more
[Android][iOS] unity_Lightmap_HDR.x value is 1 instead of 4.59 when UNIT...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the user's attached project "" 2. Load the Scene "SampleScene" 3. Change the "New Material"... Read more
[Android] Using VertexAttributeFormat.UInt8 in a Mesh results in 0 value...
Reproduction steps: 1. Download and open the attached project "" 2. Build and run for Android Expected res... Read more
[IOS] Cannot run any Unity build on iOS Simulator for iOS <14 on Big Sur
Reproduction steps: 1. Create an empty Unity project on macOS Big Sur and switch platform to iOS 2. Go Project Settings -> Player ->... Read more
[Vulkan] [Metal] [Mobile] Dynamic Resolution is no longer downscaled aft...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached "" Project (Or download the upgraded project from google drive, link in the... Read more
[Mobile] UI Image disappears when its Width is very large (> 2^30)
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the project "" 2. Build and Run Android Expected result: Image remains visible in the sc... Read more
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- Unity crashes during the scene template selection in the "Inspector" tab
- [Android] [iOS] [UnityWebRequest] Requests with "UnityWebRequest" are open for SSL Proxying
- SetWindowsHookEx does not prevent Windows key input when Editor or Player Window is focused and Active Input Handling is set to “Input System Package (New)” or “Both”
- Crash on GetEffectiveBc7TextureCompressor() when loading and unloading all Assets in the Project
- Terrain Masks do not ignore the mipmap limit