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Disabled line renderer component is still visible on prefab in project view
Steps to reproduce (or watch attached gif): 1. Open any Unity project 2. Create a new game object 3. Select it and add Line Renderer... Read more
Selecting prefab after simulating particle system crashes Editor
Steps to reproduce: 1. Download and open "main" scene 2. Simulate "BulletHitParticles" 3. Select prefab "RocketTowe... Read more
Drag and drop simple FBX file causes an error Could not serialize text f...
How to reproduce: 1. Create a new project 2. Download the attached FBX file 3. Drag and drop it to the project 4. Notice the error: ... Read more
Thumbnails for prefabs do not appear until reimporting
Steps to reproduce : - create a new project - import a package from the Asset Store (!/cont... Read more
Editor crashes after you undo Add Rect Transform to Prefab (of object wi...
To reproduce: 1. Create a new project. 2. Create Empty "GameObject" with an empty "GameObject" child. 3. Make a prefab of this GameO... Read more
Reverting prefab instance throws IndexOutOfRangeException
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open attached project 2. Open scene "repro" 3. In hierarchy select "GameObject" prefab instance 4. Add any c... Read more
Huge scene load time when there is and object with specific shader
Reproduction steps: 1. Open project attached( 2. Open scene "0" from Assets folder. 3. Press play. Expected result: Gam... Read more
Crash in <b2Body::SetActive> making a gameobject with RigidBody2D and Ci...
Reproduction steps: 1. Create the new project; 2. Create an empty gameobject; 3. Add RigidBody 2D and Circle Collider 2D components ... Read more
SceneManager.SetActiveScene() does not set active scene when called in A...
To reproduce: 1.Download and open attached project. 2.Open scene "Scene". 3.Open NewBehaviourScript.cs and uncomment the call to Te... Read more
[Plugin Importer] iOS compatibility setting reverts after Editor restart
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project. 2. Select "HsLocalization.bundle" in the Project View. 3. Make sure iOS checkbox ... Read more
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Latest issues
- Compute Shader property not set error when entering play mode with path tracing and PBR sky
- "WebGL Publish" detects WebGL module and allows building when it is installed without restarting the project
- Editor is non-responsive and flickers when multiple Water System instances are enabled
- Texture2D.PackTextures causes mips 7-9 to turn pink when packed textures are of ASTC 4x4 compression
- "OnApplicationQuit" is called when "Application.wantsToQuit" returns false