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Changing Sprite Mode on a Sprite causes all instances of a Sprite used i...
To reproduce this bug: 1. Open the attached project 2. Open GUISpriteRepro scene 3. Select GUIButtonDefault in the project view 4. ... Read more
[Sprite Editor] Sprite setting window overlaps the header and options wh...
Sprite setting window overlaps the header and options when the window is shrunk diagonally Steps to Repro: 1. Create a new or open... Read more
TilemapRenderer sorting order is not consistent with different images
How to reproduce: 1. Open given Unity project 2. Enter "Woods Level 2" scene 3. Open the Tile Palette 4. Select "Bush" tile in the T... Read more
Crash on VirtualRedirectTransfer when loading AssetBundle while entering...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project "AssetBundleCrash" 2. Open the Scene in Assets/Scenes/SampleScene.unity 3. Enter Play... Read more
Sprite ordering doesn't work for specific sprite which uses custom shader
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project 2. Open "PalleteSprite" scene 3. Notice that even if "Lamp - order broken" has Order ... Read more
[PointerHandlers] Pointer enter/exit detection order is not working corr...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project 2. Open 'EventSystemBug' scene 3. Notice that three sprites are rendered corretcly... Read more
[SpriteRenderer] [32bit] High "Order in Layer" valued Sprite Renderers d...
To reproduce: 1) Open attached project 2) Open scene "MainMenu" 3) Play scene on x64 Win Standalone - notice that everything is rend... Read more
When manually setting Y value of 2D sprite in inspector keeps the moveme...
To reproduce: 1) Create new 2D project 2) Put any sprite into your project 3) Drag it into scene(hierarchy) 4) Set it to (0,0,0) 5) ... Read more
Add default sprite to created Sprite gameobject
Create > Sprite creates an empty sprite, which isn't suitable for prototyping. Having white square would be really great for prototy... Read more
[2D][Prefab] Blue highlight(Override indicator) doesn't appear for Rigid...
Override Indicator is missing for Constraint property under Rigidbody 2D in the inspector, Refer attached screenshot Steps to Repro... Read more
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- Search: Inspector section icon is less sharp/more pixelated than other editor icons
- Search description string is always truncated
- [VFX] When Grouped Nodes are converted to Subgraph Operator resulting Graph Node is not included in the Group
- Search window icons are less sharp/more pixelated than other editor icons
- The Inspector can be covered when scaling the horizontal separator bar