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Realtime Reflection Probe causes a big slowdown on Mali devices with Ope...
To reproduce: 1. Open the attached project; 2. Open Quality Settings > Check if "Realtime Reflection Probes" is enabled in Android'... Read more
[Android] InputField.onEndEdit is not called when turning off the TouchS...
Steps to reproduce: 1. Open user's attached project "" 2. Build it on Android 3. On the devices press on the Inpu... Read more
[Cinemachine] MissingReferenceException errors are thrown on removing "C...
MissingReferenceException errors are thrown on removing "CinemachineFreeLook" component from FreeLook camera. Steps to repro: 1. Cr... Read more
"Sign in with Apple" package returns empty user name and email address a...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the user-supplied project in Unity 2. Build "SampleScene" on iOS and open the Xcode project 3. Make sure A... Read more
[iOS] Player crashes on Il2CppSequencePointExecutionContext::Il2CppSeque...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the project provided by the user 2.Go to Menu bar-> Build -> iOS-> QA 3. Go to <project root>/XcodeExport... Read more
Scenes in an AssetBundles built from a package are not found by SceneMan...
How to reproduce: 1. Open attached project "" 2. Open Test Runner (Window -> General -> Test Runner) 3... Read more
[instability] assetBundleVariant YAML parse issue in HDRP package: Debug...
Test EditorTests - WindowsEditor (Isolated Packages Verified) Showing issue wih Read more
[URP] Universal Additional Camera Data component is not removed when try...
How to reproduce: 1. Create a new URP project 2. Create an Empty GameObject 3. Add a Camera component to the GameObject 4. Press CTR... Read more
[ShaderGraph] Can't connect a SubGraph to the Master's Position inputs w...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project named "Case_1232614" 2. Open the UnlitGraph 3. Try connecting the subgraph to any of... Read more
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- [Android] "Screen.safeArea.y" always returns values outside of the Safe Area when the device is in Portrait orientation
- Frame spike due to many TreeRenderer.TreeUpdated calls when repositioning terrains in large Scenes
- Crash on GameObject::RemoveComponentFromGameObjectInternal when reparenting Text GameObjects
- [IL2CPP-GarbageCollector] Changing GCMode might permanently disable GC in a multithreaded context
- Crash on invalid_parameter_internal when starting Standalone Profiler