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[macOS] VideoPlayer.clockTime is ~0.5 of a frame's length smaller after ...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached project "unity-video-tests" and load Scene "SampleScene" 2. Open "Scripts/Seeking.cs" and c... Read more
[Shader System] The error location is incorrectly printed when using #li...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the user's attached project 2. In the Project window, select BadShader 3. In the Inspector window, select ... Read more
Mesh memory footprint is larger than estimated when profiling with the P...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project "MeshMemoryUsage" 2. Open the scene "SampleScene" and enter Play mode (Assets/Scenes/... Read more
Editor shortcuts and Scene navigation behaves incorrectly when using the...
Reproduction steps: 1. Change the keyboard layout to DVORAK through system settings 2. Open a new or an existing project 3. In the S... Read more
Array list is not displayed in the Inspector window when using a Seriali...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached "" project 2. Open the "SampleScene" Scene 3. Select "GameO... Read more
[DX12] Failure in some render target allocations when rendering HDRP & 8...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project "" 2. Make sure the editor is using DX12 3. Open the "SampleSc... Read more
[Linux] [IL2CPP] Building for Linux with IL2CPP from Windows fails if yo...
How to reproduce: 1. Create a new Windows user with a name containing a space 2. Create a new Unity project 3. Select IL2CPP as the ... Read more
Shaders fail compilation on Vulkan/GL when Material Override is set to A...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached "" project 2. Extract the "" to... Read more
[Linux] [Input System] PressAndRelease Trigger Behavior causes unexpecte...
Reproduction steps: 1. Download and open the attached project: "" 2. Enter Play Mode 3. Move the player cha... Read more
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Latest issues
- Shader warnings are thrown when deleting blocks in the Ribbon VFX Graph
- Shadow casters are not rendered when deploying builds in specific Unity 6.0 versions
- Automatically unfocuses when focusing and DropdownField is open
- Debug Draw Mode stops rendering GameObjects when GPU Resident Drawer is enabled
- Only a single Selector is added to a Container when drag and dropping multiple of them on an Element in UI Builder