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[GrabPass] Matrial with GrabPass shader renders much brighter on OpenGL in Linear



Materials using a shader with GrabPass appear much brighter in the game view in GLCore, Linear color space, in forward or legacy vertex lit rendering path.

1. Open Scene1 from attached project
2. Press Play
3. Observe how effects render brighter (incorrect) in the game view than in the scene view.

Expected outcome: effect to not appear brighter in game view

- not a regression, happens in 5.3.0f4 as well as Version 5.3.3f1 (a6501c8a56f3)
- issue present in Forward or Legacy Vertex rendering path.
- issue present only in linear color space
- issue present only in GLCore and Metal.
- possibly linked to 774216

Comments (474)

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  4. ircanswers

    Jul 08, 2020 15:18

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    <h1 class="entry-title" itemprop="headline">Google Analytics Individual Qualification Exams Answers 2020 June</h1> </header>
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    <p>Exam Name – Google Analytics Individual Qualification </p>
    <h2>The result – Google Analytics Individual Qualification</h2>
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    <p>Exam URL: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
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    <p>[adinserter block=”2″]</p>
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    <p>[adinserter block=”2″]</p>
    <p><br>47. <a href="">Which Kinds Of Hits Does Google Analytics Track?</a><br>48. <a href="">What Criteria Could Not Be Used To Create A Dynamic Remarketing Audience?</a><br>49. <a href="">View Filters May Be Applied Retroactively To Any Data That Has Been Processed.</a><br>50. <a href="">Auto-Tagging Is Used To Collect Data From What Kind Of Traffic?</a><br>51. <a href="">Views Can Include Website Data Collected Before The View Was Created.</a><br>52. <a href="">If A User Watches A Video With Event Tracking Three Times In A Single Session, Analytics Will Count How Many Unique Events?</a><br>53. <a href="">The Default Session Timeout Duration In Google Analytics Is How Many Minutes?</a><br>54. <a href="">What Remarketing Audiences Cannot Be Defined By Default?</a><br>55. <a href="">In Multi-Channel Funnel Reports, How Are Default Conversions Credited?</a><br>56. <a href="">Which Default Traffic Source Dimensions Does Google Analytics Report For Each Website Visitor?</a><br>57. <a href="">What Feature Is Required To Track Customer Search Terms On A Website?</a><br>58. <a href="">Which User Characteristic May NOT Be Used To Change Keyword Bids In Google Ads?:</a><br>59. <a href="">What Is Not Considered A “Source” In Google Analytics By Default?</a><br>60. <a href="">What Report Compares Metrics Based On User Acquisition Date Over A Series Of Weeks?</a><br>61. <a href="">In Views That Don’t Have Data Import Enabled, Custom Dimensions Values May Be Viewed For Dates Before The Custom Dimension Was Created.</a><br>62. <a href="">When Will Google Analytics Be Unable To Identify Sessions From The Same User By Default?</a><br>63. <a href="">What Is The “Bounce Rate” In Google Analytics?</a><br>64. <a href="">Within How Many Days Can A Deleted View Be Restored?</a><br>65. <a href="">What Scope Would Be Set For A Custom Dimension That Reports Membership Status For A Customer Rewards Program?</a><br>66. <a href="">What Campaigns Require Manual Tags On Destination URLs For Tracking?</a><br>67. <a href="">Which Metric Reports On How Often A Channel Contributes To A Conversion Prior To Last-Click Attribution?</a><br>68. <a href="">Which Metric Reports On How Often A Channel Contributes To A Conversion Prior To Last-Click Attribution?</a><br>69. <a href="">If a Destination Goal is created for a newsletter sign-up and a user completes the newsletter sign-up three times in three separate sessions, how many Goal conversions will Google Analytics count?</a><br>70. <a href="">What feature collects company-specific data such as Member Status?</a><br><br><br></p>
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  5. ircanswers

    Jul 08, 2020 15:17

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    <h1 class="entry-title" itemprop="headline">Digital Garage Final Exam Answers with Proof 2020 June</h1> </header>
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    <p><span class="has-inline-color has-vivid-green-cyan-color"><strong>Proof:</strong> </span>We promised to show you all the proofs in it, so we showed both our results and a certificate in which we got 100% correct answer certificate, due to which you should not hesitate in any way, you can easily get the certificate from this answer. </p>
    <h2 class="has-text-align-center">Google Digital Garage Final Exam Certificate</h2>
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    <p class="has-text-color has-very-dark-gray-color"><strong>Alert:</strong> <strong><span class="has-inline-color has-vivid-red-color">After the result, you will find all the answers to Google Digital Garage Final Exam Answer on this page</span>.</strong></p>
    <h2 class="has-text-align-center">Google Digital Garage Final Exam Result</h2>
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