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Fixed in 5.3.4



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Issue ID




[GrabPass] Matrial with GrabPass shader renders much brighter on OpenGL in Linear



Materials using a shader with GrabPass appear much brighter in the game view in GLCore, Linear color space, in forward or legacy vertex lit rendering path.

1. Open Scene1 from attached project
2. Press Play
3. Observe how effects render brighter (incorrect) in the game view than in the scene view.

Expected outcome: effect to not appear brighter in game view

- not a regression, happens in 5.3.0f4 as well as Version 5.3.3f1 (a6501c8a56f3)
- issue present in Forward or Legacy Vertex rendering path.
- issue present only in linear color space
- issue present only in GLCore and Metal.
- possibly linked to 774216

Comments (474)

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  10. brawlerstars

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