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[2D] Spotlight 2D can get 'captured' by the sprite when shadows enabled



*Steps to reproduce:*
# Open attached project.
# Open 'SampleScene'.
# Ensure that scene view is in Shaded Draw mode, *or* observe the Game view window.
# In Hierarchy, select "Spotlight 2D" and move it across in the scene, between the two sprites.

*Actual results:* When the spotlight passes through a sprite, the light gets captured or confined within the sprite shape and everywhere else is cast in shadow.

*Expected results:* Shadow continues casting as expected for all sprite objects in scene.

*Reproducible with versions:* 6000.0.10f1, 2023.1.12f1 {*}{{*}}(See notes & Can't test)\{*}

*Not reproducible with versions:* 2023.1.0a17, 2022.3.35f1

*Can't test with versions:*
* 2023.1.0a18 -> 2023.1.11f1, the lights and shadows do not seem to be working at all.
* 2021.3.40f1, can't create projects on Ubuntu 24.

*Tested on (OS):* Ubuntu 24.04

* *FAV may not be correct* as there are a few versions where the lights and shadows do not appear to be working.
* Attached video of this behaviour occurring.
* Project might not display sprites due to a layer order clash, set 'Square' order to -1 to fix.
* Early 2023.1 editors will throw invalid dependencies with the repro project, attached an extra project called to test those versions.

Comments (1)

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