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Floating Editor Windows can become completely inaccessible when disconnecting monitor on multi-monitor setup



*Steps to reproduce:*
# Open a Unity Project on a computer with a multi-monitor setup.
# Undock one of the editor windows (e.g. Game window) so it is floating on your main window.
# Disconnect one of your additional monitors

*Actual results:* The floating window will disappear and become completely inaccessible. Trying to open the window again (e.g. through Window > General > Game for the Game window) will do nothing. You need to reconnect the additional monitor for it to become accessible again.

*Expected results:* The floating window will remain.

*Reproducible with versions:* 
* 6000.0.10f1
* 2023.2.20f1
* 2023.2.0a14

*Not reproducible with versions:* 
* 2023.2.0a13
* 2022.3.36f1
* 2021.3.40f1

*Can’t test with versions:* 

*Tested on (OS):* Windows 11

* This bug is not reproducible all the time. If the bug does not occur try:
** Re-dock the window and then re-do the repro steps from step 2.
** Re-dock the window. Then restart the editor and re-do the repro steps from step 2.
** Try with another editor window (e.g. if you used the Game window, then try using the Animator or Scene window).
* There is a less severe version of this bug that affects the Editor Windows even on earlier Unity versions than this bug. That issue has been linked to this one.
** UUM-75313 Floating Editor Windows resize to smallest size when disconnecting monitor on multi-monitor setup - Unity JIRA (

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