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[2D] Generate Outline will turn sprites a solid black



*Steps to reproduce:*
# Open attached project.
# Open scene "SampleScene"
# In Project window,select Assets > PlapaBush01 to view in Inspector.
# Click "Open Sprite Editor" in Inspector.
# In the Sprite Editor, Click "Sprite Editor" dropdown in the top left, and change this to "Custom Outline".
# Change the value of "Outline Detail" in the Outline Tool, and click "Generate".
# Click "Apply" in the Sprite Editor and confirm again with the pop up.
# *Restart the project and repeat Steps 1 -> 6.*

*Actual results:* The second time you do this, the sprites will be blocked out in black. It may happen the first time if you have opened the project before.

*Expected results:* Same as the first time you complete the steps, nothing unexpected occurs.

*Reproducible with versions:* 6000.0.10f1, 6000.0.2f1

*Not reproducible with versions:* 6000.0.1f1, 2022.3.37f1

*Can’t test with versions:* 2021.3.40f1, can't launch project on Ubuntu 24.04.

*Tested on (OS):* Ubuntu 24.04

* Attached .mp4 of this issue occurring.
* The sprites are fixed with a restart of the editor, but the issue will occur again if you repeat steps 1 -> 6
* If the sprites aren't visible, change the Order in Layer of "Triangle" to -1.

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