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Resources.Load returns 'False' in OnPostprocessAllAssets when the Asset ...
How to reproduce: 1. Open "Assets/Resources/SampleAsset.asset" from the "case_1362489" project with a text editor 2. Change the last... Read more
[Performance] Possible preformance regression between 2021.1 and 2021.2
Reimport of one Material or .txt file when big scene is opened takes twice more time in 2021.2.beta than in 2021.1.f Import time fo... Read more
[Previews] Prefab preview is not updating when change Material color
this bug happens on 2020.3 and 2021.1, in 2021.2 and 2022.1 it is fixed. Reimporting Prefab or Prefab +Material doesn't update the ... Read more
Errors and warnings logged in the Console when calling AssetDatabase met...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project "CheckConsistencyLoadAssets" 2. In the Project window, select the asset "SelectMe" (A... Read more
[Android] Building a project where product name starts with a number res...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached "" project from the google drive link 2. Go to Project Settings > Player > P... Read more
Imported folders and files are missing in the Project window when the in...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project "missingFiles" 2. In the Project window, navigate to the "Prefabs" folder (Assets/Fol... Read more
"The asset has been scheduled for reimport" error message is thrown when...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached "" project 2. In the "Assets" folder right click on the "Fonts" folder 3. Select R... Read more
Selecting dependencies of Asset is missing 1 Texture2D from total depend...
How to reproduce: 1. Open the attached project "" 2. Right mouse click on Assets/New Test.asset in the Project windo... Read more
ArtifactInfo.Internal_Destroy exception thrown when in Play mode while u...
Reproduction steps: 1. Open the attached user's project 2. Open any script in the project with Rider 3. Attach Rider debugger to the... Read more
Prefab preview in the Project window does not change after changing the ...
Reproduction steps: 1. Create a new project 2. Create a Cube in Scene 3. Drag the Cube to the Project window to make a prefab 4. Cre... Read more
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- Crash on __pthread_kill when initializing Vuplex WebView while entering the Play Mode
- Crash on FindSurface when adding a custom Renderer Feature to a 2D Renderer Data Asset
- [Android] [Vulkan] [UI Toolkit] Application crashes when the device is rotated when it has UI Toolkit TextField on Vulkan devices
- Crash on DualThreadAllocator<DynamicHeapAllocator>::TryDeallocate when opening a specific project
- Crash on memset_repstos when pressing a UI button while in Play Mode