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Window with a Multi-Column List View crashes after it is moved when its Binding Source Selection Mode is set to Auto Assign



Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached “BugRepro” project
2. Open the PerformanceManager window (Window > UI Toolkit > PerformanceManager)
3. Move the PerformanceManager window

Expected result: The PerformanceManager window is moved and no errors are logged in the Console
Actual result: “InvalidOperationException: Trying to release a data source that isn't tracked” is logged in the Console and the window disappears

Reproducible with: 6000.0.9f1
Couldn't test with: 2021.3.40f1, 2022.3.36f1 (Package compilation errors)

Reproducible on: Windows 11, macOS 14.4.1 (Intel)
Not reproducible on: No other environments tested

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