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[VR] Unable to disable tracking for a VR camera



At the moment it is not possible to disable positional and/or rotational tracking for any given VR camera. This can lead to issues when there are multiple VR cameras that need to function in different world-scales.

Reproduction Steps:
1. Run the reproduction project for VR
2. Move your head around
3. Note that the skybox camera setup in this scene moves at a vastly different scale, because it's having positional tracking applied

Select the object "Camera Parent" and set the transform scale to 0,0,0 -this will result in the camera in the skybox having tracked data applied at a scale of 0.

Expected Result:
Users should be able to either pick and choose between the following tracking modes on a per-camera basis:
* Positional & Rotational
* Positional Only
* Rotational Only

or alternatively have a scale control value, defaulted at 1, so that users can adjust the scale of the positional tracking being applied (setting it to 0 to turn off any positional tracking).

Comments (3)

  1. nemesis92

    Jun 09, 2017 16:09

    Still unable to disable Head tracking with Unity v5.6.1f1, Oculus Utilities v1.14.0, OVRPlugin v1.13.0, SDK v1.15.0.

  2. Section-One

    Apr 04, 2017 15:57

    disabling positional tracking seems to be available now:

  3. nimeia

    Mar 22, 2017 06:56

    I need this function for the next vr project, just don't understand why the unity developer didn't consider it. It's a very very very usually function.

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