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Visual Scripting ignores assembly definitions when regenerating nodes

Package: Visual Scripting


To reproduce:
1. Open the project “VisualScriptingTest”
2. Select “TestObject” in the Hierarchy
3. Click the “Edit Graph” button in the Inspector
4. Expand the Script Graph window

Expected result: Four classes are generated and the “ClassUsingEditor” class can be found in the fuzzy search
Actual result: The “ClassUsingEditor” class is being ignored and cannot be found in the fuzzy search

Reproducible with: 1.7.8 (2021.3.8f1, 2022.1.13f1, 2022.2.0b4, 2023.1.0a6)
Could not test with: 2020.3.38f1 (Package errors)

Reproduced on: macOS Monterey 12.5 (Intel)

- From the two classes with editor code in them, only the one in "IgnoredAssembly" didn't get generated, the class in the Scripts folder was generated fine
- The method Codebase.IsUserAssembly(string name) should prevent this from happening but it only checks if the assembly is "Assembly-CSharp" or "Assembly-CSharp-firstpass".

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