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Fixed in 1.8.1



Found in [Package]



Issue ID




Nodes from runtime assemblies that reference Unity editor are not visible in the fuzzy finder

Package: Visual Scripting


h3. Steps to reproduce:
# Create a new project.
# Install the Cinemachine package.
# Initialize visual scripting and create a new graph.
# Bring up the fuzzy finder.

h3. Results:

Cinemachine nodes are not visible in the fuzzy finder. They need to be added individually through the type options before they are visible.
h3. Expected Results:

As per Rohit:

We provide some way for users to indicate to users that they want nodes from an assembly to appear in the fuzzy finder, even though it would normally be hidden in AOT safe mode. Right now it's all or nothing (AOT Safe mode on or off), which isn't great when the user really just wants specific assemblies to be excluded from the filter

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 1.8.1):

    fixed in 1.9.0

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