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[VFX Graph] Base Color Map Inconsistency between Lit and Unlit Ouput



*Steps to reproduce:*

1. Import the provided VFX Package

2. Open the provided scene *VFXG_BugRepro_BaseColorMap*

3. Open the provided vfx VFXG_BugRepro_BaseColorMap_Inconsistency

4. Look at the different Quad output present in the VFX



The *Base Color map setting* while very useful, isn't present in the Unlit Output.

*Actual results:* Notice the difference between the Lit Quad and the Unlit Quad.

You can see that some options present in the Lit quad output are not present.
In this case, the *Base Color Map setting* allows you to only use the color or Alpha part of the texture.

*Expected results:* 

The setting should be present in both outputs so that texture with packed masks can be used in a more versatile way.



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