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[VFX Graph] Emissive isn't working with Decal output



*Steps to reproduce:*

*In HDRP:*
* Open the Provided package
* Drag and Drop the *VFXG_BugRepro_DecalEmissive_HDRP* vfx in a scene and put it close to a ground plane object.
* Open the VFX.

*In URP:*
* Open the Provided package
* Drag and Drop the *VFXG_BugRepro_DecalEmissive_URP* vfx in a scene and put it close to a ground plane object.
* Open the VFX.


*Actual results:* 

While they all have the same color value that goes above one, only some of the present decals are glowing.

If you take a look at the decal output, you'll notice that they all have the *Color Mode* set to *Everything* (Color & Emissive). This should mean that setting a value higher than 1 in a *Set color* should make them glow (with the proper/default post-process settings).

Only the second and Third Decal outputs are glowing.

The second is glowing, as a workaround has been used:

The Third one in HDRP is glowing thanks to the option *Use Emissive Map.*

*Expected results:* 

With the *Color Mode* set to *Everything,* the decal should get emissive and bloom if the value goes above 1 without needing a workaround or checking the Use Emissive map.

The *Use Emissive Map* isn't present in the URP Decal Output without wokaround.


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