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Unspecified error during import of AudioClip



Import the attached wav.file. Unity can't import it and shows up this error: "Unspecified error during import of AudioClip Assets/Audio/AudioResources/Voice/GenericSpeaks/_SoundFiles/Max_uk_Gen_Max_LongJump09.wav", which is not helpful at all.

This started happening in Unity 5.0, before alpha 8, and it happens on many different sound files. It can only be reproduced on Mac.

This is a major regression from 4.5 that is affecting a lot of projects, since there is no workaround for this issue.

  1. This is a duplicate of issue #606803

    Crash when reimporting audio files

Comments (23)

  1. ddf

    Apr 07, 2015 15:29

    Just ran into this in 5.0.1 on OSX. Happened after downloading this pack of sounds as a zip file and unzipping the file into my project:

    Interestingly, if I download a single sound with Save Link As and save it to my project the file imports just fine. The only difference I can see is that the unzipped files have Modified dates that are in the future. I'm not sure how that happens, but I expect that's what's breaking the import.

  2. mauri11

    Apr 07, 2015 01:22

    Did you ever find a solution?

  3. Mouton

    Mar 17, 2015 20:19

    Same bug on Windows 7, can't import any sound with Unity 5.0.0f4 Personal, yet can import the same sounds in Unity 4.5

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