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Fixed in 2021.3.36f1, 2022.3.21f1, 2023.2.13f1, 2023.3.0b8



Found in







Issue ID




UnityWebRequest crashes if invoked when player is quitting



*Steps to reproduce:*

1. Attach the included script to a game object
2. Build a player
3. Observe crash

Comments (18)

  1. detailgamessh

    Jul 22, 2024 13:40

    Still happening in 2021.3.39f1

  2. DavidTDF

    Jun 18, 2024 11:45

    This is clearly still happening on 2021.3.39f1.

  3. MizutaniKana

    Jun 16, 2024 12:44

    Why there were no any related info for this bug in 2021.3.39f1 (even 'known issues list') ? Did it already been fixed?
    (Fix a typo: what '2023.x' I posted before should be '2021.x')

  4. Champi67

    May 16, 2024 11:48

    I do not see the bug in the latest release : LTS Release 2022.3.29f1
    Is it fixed or just missed to add the ticket in the Known Issues list ?

  5. Kiwiownage

    May 14, 2024 03:39

    2021.3.28f1 is the only version i've found that doesn't have slow web requests or web requests crashing the game on close. Hopefully this helps someone

  6. unity_B5D7DA7BF1EDD29B4226

    May 13, 2024 10:27

    Still happening in 2021.3.37f1

  7. unity_B5D7DA7BF1EDD29B4226

    May 13, 2024 10:27

    Still happening in 2021.3.37f1

  8. unity_B5D7DA7BF1EDD29B4226

    May 13, 2024 10:26

    Still happening in 2021.3.37f1

  9. Kiwiownage

    May 11, 2024 00:20

    This still happens on any 2021 version above .32 & we can't use anything below 32 because webrequests take 3-5x longer. 2021 LTS is not looking good

  10. DebugLogError

    May 09, 2024 15:30

    Still happening in 2021.3.36f1

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