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Fixed in 2021.3.36f1, 2022.3.21f1, 2023.2.13f1, 2023.3.0b8



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Issue ID




UnityWebRequest crashes if invoked when player is quitting



*Steps to reproduce:*

1. Attach the included script to a game object
2. Build a player
3. Observe crash

Comments (18)

  1. oBlissing

    Apr 16, 2024 00:44

    Started happening to us when upgrading to 2021.3.37. It's weird because this bug is marked as fixed in 2021.3.36f1 but it's listed as a known issue in 2021.3.37.

  2. kenaj235

    Apr 08, 2024 18:42

    Apple has flagged our app and warn us that we won't be able submit an update unless new version addresses this issue. This critical for us.

  3. jg_ed

    Apr 04, 2024 05:20

    Problem is continue on Unity 2022.3.22f1. We have gotten too many crashes

  4. MizutaniKana

    Apr 03, 2024 15:54

    Same problem at 2023.3.35f1... and STILL CAN reproduced on 2023.3.36f1...
    idk why this issue is so 'stubborn' to be fixed...

  5. ValdisV

    Mar 26, 2024 10:06

    Have the same problem at

  6. 5haman

    Mar 25, 2024 09:44

    We also got this issue when we updated to the Unity 2020.3.34f1. On different projects, the stack trace is different, but I assume the roots are the same.

    Stacktrace 1:

    0 UnityFramework 0x14ee0c4 operator delete[](void*, std::nothrow_t const&) + 1597548
    1 UnityFramework 0x1430440 operator delete[](void*, std::nothrow_t const&) + 820200
    2 UnityFramework 0x142b1d4 operator delete[](void*, std::nothrow_t const&) + 799100
    3 UnityFramework 0x1734ea8 UnitySendMessage + 1196124
    4 UnityFramework 0xd324 (Missing UUID a89610f8beed303b8aea7d71e9a5aca0)
    5 CFNetwork 0x159c8 _CFNetworkSetHSTSStoragePath + 55048
    6 libdispatch.dylib 0x26a8 <redacted> + 32
    7 libdispatch.dylib 0x4300 <redacted> + 20
    8 libdispatch.dylib 0xb894 <redacted> + 748
    9 libdispatch.dylib 0xc3f8 <redacted> + 432
    10 libdispatch.dylib 0x17004 <redacted> + 288
    11 libdispatch.dylib 0x16878 <redacted> + 404
    12 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x1964 _pthread_wqthread + 288
    13 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x1a04 start_wqthread + 8

    Stacktrace 2:

    0 UnityFramework 0x14f4900 AtomicQueue::Enqueue(AtomicNode*) + 124 (ExtendedAtomicOps-clang-gcc.h:124)
    1 UnityFramework 0x143935c JobQueue::ScheduleGroupInternal(JobGroup*, JobQueue::JobQueuePriority, bool) + 1407 (JobQueue.cpp:1407)
    2 UnityFramework 0x1435434 BackgroundJobQueue::ScheduleJobInternal(void (*)(void*), void*, BackgroundJobQueue::JobFence const&, JobQueue::JobQueuePriority) + 79 (BackgroundJobQueue.cpp:79)
    3 UnityFramework 0x17398e0 UnityWebRequestProto<UnityWebRequestTransport, AtomicRefCounter, RedirectHelper, ResponseHelper, DownloadHandler, UploadHandler, CertificateHandler, HeaderHelper, AsyncOperation>::FinishDoRequest(WebError) + 620 (UnityWebRequestProto.h:620)
    4 UnityFramework 0xd830 -[UnityWebRequestDelegate URLSession:task:didCompleteWithError:] + 268 (
    5 FirebasePerformance 0x171c8 __InstrumentURLSessionTaskDidCompleteWithError_block_invoke + 208
    6 CFNetwork 0x159c8 _CFNetworkSetHSTSStoragePath + 55048
    7 libdispatch.dylib 0x26a8 <redacted> + 32
    8 libdispatch.dylib 0x4300 <redacted> + 20
    9 libdispatch.dylib 0xb894 <redacted> + 748
    10 libdispatch.dylib 0xc3f8 <redacted> + 432
    11 libdispatch.dylib 0x17004 <redacted> + 288
    12 libdispatch.dylib 0x16878 <redacted> + 404
    13 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x1964 _pthread_wqthread + 288
    14 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x1a04 start_wqthread + 8

  7. Crambror

    Mar 15, 2024 12:12

    I can confirm this is still occurring for me on iOS and MacOS using 2022.3.21f1 sadly.

  8. ImTastyCools

    Mar 13, 2024 19:45

    Seems like this issue is back in the known issues of 2023.2.14... Also, it appears that the release notes for 2023.2.13 are now saying that an exception is thrown when it originally claimed it was fixed.

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