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UITK TextField does not adjust the scroll position when deleting a long string



When using a UITK TextField, when deleting (backspace) a string longer than the width of the element, the scroll does re-adjust. 

+*How to reproduce:*+

* Create a UIDocument
* Add a TextField with no wrapping
* Type a string longer than the width of the TextField
* Start backspacing (deleting) the string


{*}Expected Behavior{*}: The TextField should update the scroll and scroll the left side of the string to the right until the string length is shorter than the width of the TextField

{*}Current Behavior{*}: The TextField does not update the scroll and we see the cursor going backwards. Once the cursor is at the beginning of the TextField, we see a bit of the character of the string and it still continues deleting

  1. Resolution Note:

    I could not reproduce the issue in 2023.3

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