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Under Consideration for 2021.3.X, 2022.3.X



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The caret (text cursor) symbol does not move one word when the "Option" key and arrow keys are used to move the caret



How to reproduce:
1. Create and open a new project
2. Click on any text field within the Editor
3. Type anything (ideally more than 3 words)
4. Hold the “Option“ key and move through the words with the arrow keys
5. Observe the active text field

Expected results: The caret (text cursor) appears behind the word
Actual results: The caret stays in the same place

Reproducible in: 2021.3.38f1, 2022.3.28f1, 6000.0.1f1

Reproduced on: macOS 13.6.4 (M1, 2020)
Not reproduced on: Windows 11 Pro (23H2), No other environment tested

- If after pressing the arrow key the ”Option” key is released the caret appears where it should
- If the arrow keys are pressed more times while holding the “Option“ key, the caret appears where it should (i.e. if the left arrow is pressed twice, the caret will appear two words to the left)

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