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[Enlighten] Stuck at clustering jobs when baking lightmaps

Progressive Lightmapper


-e: attached project never finishes baking

--open attached project (it is!/content/9473)
--open the "scene" in the JunglePack
--open lighting window
--start the backing
--NOTICE it gets stuck at "5/11 clustering"
---it was running two JobProcesses at max for over 1h and logged nothing into the the editor log
--cancel bake
--change color space to linear in player settings
--start baking process
--NOTICE it gets now stuck at "7/11 Light Transport"

--would be really nice to have some extra indication as to whether it is actually still doing something and not just spinning

  1. Resolution Note (2021.2.X):

    We won't be fixing Enlighten-related issues as it has been deprecated. Please consider using Progressive CPU or GPU Lightmappers instead.

Comments (129)

  1. Anon1421a

    May 12, 2015 22:54

    I found this thread searching for the same answers when I figured out just now that if you want a large we'll say as in my case .. terrain like 5000, 5000, start with the default size of your mesh or a smaller version and incrementally add more to it. It seems to process more easily due to only having to process the added content.

    Light transform was where it was happening to me also and this will stop you from testing .exe of app because .exe process tries to copy a file that is still being used by another process. .... The stuck light transform job (10 for me) that appears to just do nothing as someone here stated, still has a handle on the file apparently and it will keep you from creating a .exe file of your app. Hope this helps someone. I have done just what I am saying and now my map is almost the size I want with no issues. All jobs completing fine.

    Unity does not like to work on large jobs apparently... ;)

  2. kkostecki

    May 12, 2015 10:41

    NIGHTCODER99 have 100% right, it seems that Enlighten precompute (clustering) has a problem with big meshes, "BIG" means not in terms of vertices or faces but their scale.

    Steps to reproduce:
    You can freeze GI simply putting one plane on the scene (even Plane object from Unity) and scaling it 16 times (16,16,16). Now try to build GI lighting (even without baking textures - only realtime), job freezes at clustering.

    Instead of using one plane 16x16 try to create more planes but smaller in dimensions, the problems solves immediately. For example 16 planes scaled twice time (2x2).

  3. nightcoder99

    May 07, 2015 23:10

    just check the meshes you are using. for me i was using a mesh for my floor and i was scalling it to 20 units . i deleted and duplicate it 20 times and used it worked.


    May 03, 2015 23:04

    it turned out not specifically nonmanifold geometries cause the problem
    I have a closet full of shoes I found one of shoes which hasn't much poly is the problem
    it is defiantly related to bad geometries


    May 03, 2015 22:10

    after weeks of Trial and error I found the problem
    the problem is related to nonmanifold geometries

    to fix bad geometry in maya go to mesh / clean up / check nonmanifold geometry

    Please let me know if you managed to solve your scene problem

  6. Toby-Grierson

    Apr 26, 2015 14:17

    I'm seeing this on 5.0.1f1.

  7. westingtyler

    Apr 23, 2015 15:36

    Yeah, when I start Unity now, my sun suddenly always light looks orange and has hard shadows. Before when I started unity, this happened briefly then stopped doing that. At the bottom it says the same thing: Clustering jobs 5/11. Forever. This happened on 5.0.0.f4, and I'm upgrading now to 5.0.1f1, so we'll see.

  8. eslam-aboalo

    Apr 23, 2015 12:54

    Same Error

  9. arrested_games

    Apr 21, 2015 13:38

    This is happening to me at Light transform ; unity pro 5.0.1f1 - never moves beyond this.
    I am baking the scene to get past the other issue of clipping and flashing on shadows...

  10. ninjanosui

    Apr 21, 2015 05:47

    I have a very simple scene where unity locks up my computer, does nothing then crashes.. Lighting really needs to get fixed.

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