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Script doesn't find the reference to the necessary namespace after reimporting Scripts



How to reproduce
1. Download user's attached project ""
2. After opening the project in the Assets folder right-click on the "Code" folder and select Reimport.

Expected result: Script does find the reference to the necessary namespace and none warning are thrown
Actual result: Console throws a bunch of warnings "No script asset for Asset. Check that the definition is in a file of the same name." will pop up.

Reproducible with: 2018.2.3f1, 2018.2.4f1, 2018.4.5f1
Not reproducible with: 2018.19f2, 2018.2.2f1

Note: Take a look at a warning "No script asset for RemoveActorEffectDef". Check that the definition is in a file of the same name." Selecting the mentioned scripts should show in the Inspector window at the top: "No MonoBehaviour scripts in the file or their name does not match the file name". Even though the filename does match the class name inside.

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