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Fixed in 2019.3.X



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Issue ID




ReferenceOutputAssembly key is set to false in project references



1. Set External Tools to Visual Studio 2017 in Unity Editor
2. Open attached project
3. Double-click on any script in Assets -> Examples -> Scripts folder
4. In the Visual Studio 2017 solution Expand NavMeshComponents project
5. Double-click on NavMeshAssetManager.cs
6. => Studio highlights the types it cannot find in red

Reproducible with: 2019.3.12f1
Not reproducible with: 2018.4.22f1, 2019.3.11f1, 2020.1.0a1, 2020.1.0b8, 2020.2.0a9

  1. Resolution Note (fix version 2019.3):

    Fixed in 2019.3.13f1

Comments (23)

  1. peabnuts123

    Oct 19, 2020 23:57

    UPDATE: It turns out com.unity.ide.vscode@1.1.4 is utterly broke as well, see Unity forum thread:

    1.2.0 was a release to address this issue. It seems the recommendation at the moment is to actually roll back to 1.1.3. This is (finally) working correctly for my on my machine.

  2. peabnuts123

    Oct 19, 2020 23:43

    A regression has been made in the package com.unity.ide.vscode since v1.2.0 that re-introduces this property in generated csproj files, breaking external compilers.

    You can see it in the code mirrored here:

    If you revert back to com.unity.ide.vscode@1.1.4 then this problem goes away (though you lose the "Regenerate project files" button in settings - automatic generation still works). I've raised a ticket with Unity to remove this from the package, will comment here again when it is updated.

  3. chantey

    Oct 16, 2020 02:55

    uuumm are you sure this is resolved? I'm getting the same behaviour on versions:

  4. strictly9jaofficial

    Sep 05, 2020 06:33


  5. RKeown3D

    May 08, 2020 16:59

    I was chasing my tail for about 3 hours this morning, after upgrading from 2019.3.3f1 to 2019.3.12f1. I'm glad someone found it and posted the fix. I t was getting annoying as all hell!!

  6. MrG

    May 06, 2020 22:13

    This is fixed in 2019.3.13, both for new projects and existing projects upgraded from 2019.3.12 where they were broken in Visual Studio 2019.

  7. lumeriith

    May 06, 2020 18:38

    @DRDRAXI Thank you, this worked after closing Visual Studio, deleting .vs folders and all VS files, and then reopening any script.

  8. otez

    May 06, 2020 10:47

    @Luvikung you can set it to 'true' in referencing .csproj files

  9. Draxi_

    May 06, 2020 10:47

    I found this piece of code on some forums few days after 12f1 was released. Just put this script somewhere inside your Assets folder and it should "fix" your .csproj file on import.

    (Replacing these lines by hand won't work. They will change back to false everytime the script gets changed -> saved -> reimported)

    using UnityEditor;
    public class FIX : AssetPostprocessor
    private static string OnGeneratedCSProject(string path, string content)
    return content.Replace("<ReferenceOutputAssembly>false</ReferenceOutputAssembly>", "<ReferenceOutputAssembly>true</ReferenceOutputAssembly>");

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