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[Physics] Loading models w/ cloth component causes physics crash



Steps to reproduce:
1. Download project (details in edit)
2. Import it and open scene "scenes/test/test_lolo"
3. Play it and wait several minutes w/ 5.3.0f3 (seems to take only few seconds on 5.4, but also produces different stack trace; bug 752160)
4. Observe the crash.
Expected result: not to crash.

Notes: This seems to happen when models that have cloth components on them are being loaded.

Reproducible with: Windows 10, Unity versions 5.3.0f3, 5.4.0a5 (different bug, see 752160)
NOT reproducible with Win10 (with at least few minutes of wait time), Unity 5.2.3p2, 5.2.0f3

Project doesn't seem to work on Mac OSX (10.11)

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