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Restoring deleted prefab child with ‘Rect Transform’ in Hierarchy causes a crash in Transform::GetLocalPosition

Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached project "case_855235_small";
2. Open the scene "test";
3. Open the prefabs in Hierarchy window and select at least 2 children from one and another prefab.
4. Delete selected prefab children;
5. Click in the Hierarchy window;
6. Press CTRL+Z;

Actual result: Unity crashes in Transform::GetLocalPosition.
Expected result: the prefab children should return.

The prefab has to have a component "Rect Transform" that Unity crashes. Also, in 5.4.1f1 version, you have to select at least 2 prefab children form one and another prefab that Unity crashes (version_5.4.1f1.gif). In 5.6.0a3 version, you can select just one prefab children and Unity crashes (version_5.6.0a3.gif).

Reproduced with: 5.4.0f1, 5.4.1f1, 5.5.0f3, 5.6.0a3
Not reproducible: 5.2.5f1, 5.3.6p3, 5.4.0a2, 5.4.0b25
Regression introduced in 5.4.0f1

  1. This is a duplicate of issue #825035

    Reverting changes on applied prefab crashes Unity

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