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Packman: Scrolling with the mouse wheel up and down changes and UI windows



Steps to reproduce:
# Open or create a project
# Go to "Window" ->"Package Manager"
# Add/dock a Pacman window next to the "Scene" and "Game" windows;
# Adjust Pacman size so that the horizontal scroll bar would become visible
# Try to scroll up and down in the list section by using a mouse wheel and observe how the UI changes

Expected result:  Only the packages list section should react to the scrolling.

Actual result: Scrolling with the wheel up and down changes Pacman UI - changes its sections. Video added in the "Attachments" section.

Reproducible with: 2023.2.0f1, 2023.3.0a14

Not reproducible with:
* 2023.1.20f1 Pacman doesn't have a vertical scrollbar in this stream.
* 2022.3.13f1 Pacman doesn't have a vertical scrollbar in this stream;
* 2021.3.32f1 Pacman doesn't have a vertical scrollbar in this stream.


  1. Resolution Note:

    This is the expected behaviour i.e. when your cursor is over the pane with a vertical scroll, scrolling using mouse wheel will move down until it reaches the bottom of the list *and then* scrolling switches to horizontal scroll.

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