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[MacOS] Screen flickering red and blue when opening a project with Compute shaders



Reproduction steps:
1. Open the user's attached project and the "SampleScene"
2. Observe the screen

Expected result: The editor looks normal
Actual result: The scene view is flickering red/blue

Reproducible with: 10.2.2, 10.3.1 (2020.2.7f1), 11.0.0 (2021.1.0b9), 12.0.0(2021.2.0a7)
Could not test with 2018.4.32f1(URP was not available), 7.5.3 (2019.4.21f1) (Compute shader scripts are not loading)

After entering play mode the editor may freeze
Sometimes the whole Editor window is red
With M1 Max, the Scene and Game view is black instead of red
Seems to reproduce only with macs with dedicated GPU or M1 Max (No repro with integrated intel GPU or M1 Pro for example)

  1. Resolution Note:

    The repro project has a range of issues:
    - The compute shader triggering the behavior has uninitialized variables
    - The compute shader triggering the behavior is dispatched with some buffer bindings missing
    One of these issues, or their combination could plausibly trigger the observed issues.

    Additionally, the compute shader triggering the behavior is broken, and cannot be compiled. Reproducing the issue is contingent on keeping the Library folder, likely because it contains a previous version of the compute shader, which did compiled.

    Finally, the issue appears to not happen anymore in recent MacOS versions, indicating that this is now caught by safety checks within MacOS.

    After thorough investigation, and taking into account the projects' issues, we have decided to not further investigate this. Feel free to open another ticket should the issue persist after all of the project's issues have been resolved.

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