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Fixed in 2018.3.X



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[macOS] "Funk" error sound plays when pressing any non-shortcut key in Play Mode

Scene/Game View


How to reproduce:
1. Create a new Unity project
2. Enter Play Mode and make sure the focus is on the Game window
3. Press any input on the keyboard that is not a shortcut('A', for instance)

Expected result: no sounds are made
Actual result: the Mac error sound is made

Reproducible with: 2018.3.0a9, 2018.3.0b1, 2019.1.0a1
Not reproducible with: 2018.2.8f1, 2018.3.0a8

Comments (12)

  1. olly1014

    Oct 02, 2021 03:20

    Hey, anyone else having this issue - you can work around it by going into setting > sound > sound effects, and setting the alert volume to zero. This effectively disables the alert sound system-wide

  2. viesc123

    Jul 27, 2021 14:05

    Having the same issue on Unity 2021.1.13 / OSX Big Sur. It happens after I open the new pop-out Search Unity window and so far I can only get rid of it by restarting Unity.

  3. olly1014

    Jul 17, 2021 01:56

    I'm on 2021.1.13f1 and I keep having this problem. It doesn't always happen when I enter play mode but I can't figure out what causes it. Restarting Unity seems to help. Can we please mark this as not fixed

  4. onehundredfeet

    Jul 13, 2021 04:49

    I am still experiencing this on 2021.1.13f1.

    I am using the old input system, a fresh project. Super basic script using:

    if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.W)) {
    dir.y += Speed;

  5. conner_enders

    Jul 12, 2021 20:42

    Yup still having this problem in 2021.1.14f1. Very annoying

  6. midsummer

    Jul 10, 2021 15:54

    Beep beep beep! Doesn't happen every time I enter playmode, but far too often. I still don't know what triggers it.

    I'm using the new Input System, but I still use the old Input for a few things. It's the Input System WSAD controls that seem to cause most of the beeping.

    Mojave 10.14.6
    Unity 2021.1.9f1
    Input System Version 1.1.0-preview.3

  7. Beacom

    Jul 10, 2021 00:08

    2021.1.13f1 has this problem as well.

  8. JakoJak

    Jul 08, 2021 03:24

    I'm running 2021.1.10f1 and somehow it still has this glitch after these years

  9. Hendrik-Mans

    Jun 01, 2021 18:52

    Happening in 2021.1.9f1. :( Big Sur 11.4

  10. RodHill

    Nov 22, 2020 02:27

    Same, in 2020- you can find this issue going back years, and I still havent found an answer- does anyone use Unity on Mac?

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