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[HDRP] QualitySettings.lodBias value is wrong when using HDRP

Package: Scriptable Render Pipeline HD


Steps to reproduce:
1. Open a new HDRP project
2. Create a cube
3. Create a sphere as the cube's child object
4. Add an LOD Group Component to the cube
5. Set the cube mesh as the mesh for LOD0
6. Set the sphere mesh as the mesh for LOD1
7. Set the LOD Bias Mode to Override and the LOD Bias to some value other than 1 in Edit>Project Settings>HDRP Default Settings
8. Try to use the camera slider in the LOD inspector to see that the displayed LOD levels (correct) do not match what is shown in the UI because it is using the wrong lodBias value. (See attached video)

This is caused by the HDRP code always setting the value here

Actual result: the LOD Group UI behaves in the wrong way because the QualitySettings.lodBias value is wrong
Expected result: we either use the QualitySettings.lodBias to represent the actual bias value that is currently used, or offer the means for users to get the value from the SRP in some obvious, documented way.

Versions affected: 2020.2.0a11. Note that this issue probably affects every version prior to that because that's how it's always been made to work.

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