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[Graphview] Contents of Input fields to Matrix nodes disappear when moused over in complex shadergraphs or VFX graph

Package: GraphView


Reproduced in Version 2019.3.5f1 (d691e07d38ef)
Does not reproduce in Version 2019.2.6f1 (fe82a0e88406)
Reproduces in Version: 2020.2.0a2.295

Repro steps:
1. Download the attached shadergraph (bug works with any shadergraph with enough nodes)
2. Create a matrix3x3 node
3. Save the shadergraph
4. Close the shadergraph
5. Reopen the shadergraph
6. Mouse over all the fields on the matrix3x3 node

Expected results: the fields display normally
Actual result: they disappear or get mostly cut off, and stay that way until you change zoom levels
Note: switching to another shadergraph or the scene tab will make this bug stop reproducing. Pressing play and switching back to your shadergraph, or closing and reopening the shadergraph will make it reproduce again.
Also reproduces in VFX graph (see attached VFX graph file). If it doesn't reproduce in VFX graph make sure to zoom out before closing it and reopening it then zoom back in.

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