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Fixed in 5.2.0



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Realtime GI is broken if LoadLevelAdditive is used

Global Illumination


How to reproduce:
1. Open A.unity scene, let it bake GI. Open B.unity scene, let it bake GI.
2. Open A.unity scene again.
3. Find World object and make sure that "Load Additive" checkbox on World script is not checked.
4. Run the scene. You will see that the Qube on the Quad has indirect lighting around.
5. Stop playback, check "Load Additive" checkbox and run the scene again.
6. Scene B is loaded additively to scene A and both qubes now don't have any GI.

Scroll down for a smaller project.

Comments (11)

  1. JanusMirith

    Mar 10, 2015 00:29

    Would it be possible to get a update on this bug, I would have thought with Unity5 being released that something this big would be fixed.

    Without lightmapping the additive level system is effectively broken, and my studio can not release our product.

    I need to know what sort of time scale we are looking at for a fix.

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