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Fixed in 2019.1.X

Fixed in 2018.3.X



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EditMode test cases that use an invalid TestCaseAttribute fail silently in Batch mode

Unity Test Runner


To reproduce:

1. Download the attached project "" and open in Unity
2. Open Test Runner window
3. Select the EditMode tab
4. Press "Run All" button
5. Observe that one Test fails and register an Error in it:

"System.Reflection.TargetParameterCountException : Incorrect number of parameters specified for TestCase"

6. Close Unity Editor
7. Run Tests in a Batch mode with a command:

"./Unity -projectPath /Users/unity/Documents/PS/Editor-Tests/TestCaseAttribute -runEditorTests -editorTestsResultFile ~/Desktop/Test/log.xml -logFile ~/Desktop/Test/newlog.log"

8. Open Test folder in Desktop and inspect "log.xml" file

Expected results: In "log.xml" you will find the same Error which was in Unity Editor
Actual results: In "log.xml" there is no Error - Test failed silently

- This issue appears on both Windows and macOS
- Could not check for Regression on Unity 2018.2.0a1 and 2018.2.0a2 because Unity Editor crashes and on Unity 2018.2.0a3 Batch mode for some reason stops

Reproduced on Unity 2018.2.0a4, 2018.2.14f1, 2018.3.0b7 and 2019.1.0a6
Not reproduced on Unity 2017.4.0f1, 2017.4.13f1 and 2018.1.9f2
Regression on Unity 2018.2.0a4

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