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Crash on il2cpp::os::SynchronizationContext::GetForCurrentThread when built in batch mode and SynchronizationContext not set on thread



Reproduction steps:
1. Launch the attached Player “CrashRepro“ in Batch mode

Expected result: Player does not crash
Actual result: Player crashes

Reproducible with: 2022.2.5f1
Not reproducible with: 2022.2.4f1

Reproducible on: Windows 10
Not reproducible on: No other environment tested

First few lines of stack trace:

{noformat}0x00007FFDB7AF96F8 (GameAssembly) il2cpp::os::SynchronizationContext::GetForCurrentThread
0x00007FFDB7AB651B (GameAssembly) il2cpp::icalls::mscorlib::System::Threading::OSSpecificSynchronizationContext::GetOSContext
0x00007FFDBA49165F (GameAssembly) OSSpecificSynchronizationContext_GetOSContext_mDC8E96412452C2C1EBEB8277CB2B075384A3D1E5
0x00007FFDBA49171D (GameAssembly) OSSpecificSynchronizationContext_Get_mC3473B9DD7959166E55F9845FCB1EA2C94AB0B86
0x00007FFDBA496143 (GameAssembly) SynchronizationContext_GetThreadLocalContext_m8805737DDE19D41FC34F35BBE13097C189CD1105 {noformat}

  1. Resolution Note:

    The crash happens because one of the native plugins in the project calls combase.dll!CoUninitialize without a matching prior call to combase.dll!CoInitializeEx, which causes COM to be shut down in the process and that unloads all COM related DLLs. One of those DLLs COM unloads is CoreMessaging.dll, which s_DispatcherQueueStatics (the variable that causes a crash when accessed) is based in and thus causing calling any methods on it access an already freed VTable.

    To fix this issue, either:

    1. Modify the native plugin that calls CoUninitialize to call CoInitializeEx first;
    2. Modify the native plugin to not call CoUninitialize at all;
    3. Call CoInitializeEx manually before calling into the native plugin.

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