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Animation transition from Entry node to a Default state not happening after disabling and re-enabling GameObject during playmode



How to reproduce:
1. Open the attached project "animator-enable"
2. Click on a "Cube" GameObject in Hierarchy and enter playmode
2. Notice that its Animation states change from Entry --> Scale --> Idle (after reaching Idle, it starts looping in it)
3. Disable "Cube" GameObject and re-enable it

Expected result: Animation states are played like after starting a playmode (Entry --> Scale --> Idle)
Actual result: The transition from Entry node to a Scale state (Default state )is skipped, which results in skipping the Default state and just playing Idle right from the start

Reproducible with - 2017.1.0a5, 5.6.0f3, 5.6.0b1
Not reproducible with - 5.5.2p3, 5.4.5f1

Comments (4)

  1. shihui142857

    May 05, 2017 07:00

    This issue has not been resolved in Unity 5.6.0f3, why it is closed ? What's wrong with this?

  2. marf

    Apr 08, 2017 20:23

    I have the same problem all our animators are broken!

  3. GorrionMW

    Apr 07, 2017 06:30

    We're having the same issue here. Animator.Rebind function doesn't seem to be working either

  4. darthtelle

    Apr 06, 2017 10:49

    The duplicate issue says it's been fixed, but I can confirm that I am still getting this bug with Unity 5.6.0f3. All of our animations are broken! If I submit a new bug (which will be exactly the same) will I just get marked as a duplicate instantly?

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