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Fixed in 2019.1.X



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[Android] [Linux] "Unable to forward network traffic to device" when trying to Build and Run to an Android device



Required: Unity configured to build to Android devices.
Repro steps:
1. Open the attached project
2. Build and run to Android device
3. Notice that the app is installed on the device but is not automatically opened
4. Check the console

Expected result: the app is installed and automatically opened on the device
Actual result: the app is installed but not opened; error thrown:
"CommandInvokationFailure: Unable to forward network traffic to device. Please make sure the Android SDK is installed and is properly configured in the Editor. See the Console for more details.
/home/unityqa/Android/Sdk/platform-tools/adb -s "efd3a563" forward "tcp:34999" ""

stderr [error: cannot bind listener: Address already in use]

Reproducible with: 5.6.3f1 (dev build only), 2017.1.0b3, 2017.2.0f3, 2017.4.13f1, 2018.2.11f1, 2018.3.0b5
Not reproducible with: 5.6.3f1 (non dev build)

Tested on: Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 18.04
Issue not specific to a device

Workaround: Close Unity Editor and type the following in terminal: adb -s "xxx" forward "tcp:34999" ""
(however, the port must be forwarded every time system after is restarted)

Comments (63)

  1. unity_K99WJS2TxGpRtA

    Feb 23, 2020 16:56

    Great article with excellent idea!Thank you for such a valuable article. I really appreciate for this great information..
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  2. senkal_

    Feb 05, 2020 23:17

    Please ignore my previous comment.
    There is a separate issue reported when debug is enabled:

    It is fixed for me with release mode so this issue is correctly closed, apologize for confusion.

  3. senkal_

    Dec 29, 2019 14:16

    I use Ubuntu 18.04 and Unity 2019.2.17 and it is not fixed for me.
    It does work when "development build" is not checked.
    The moment I check "development build" I get the same error reported in this issue.

    For me it is still broken.
    To replicate, for me at least:
    Open Unity, create a new project (I chose 3d template but probably doesn't matter), click "build and run" with sample scene.
    Development build option makes all the difference.

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