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Under Consideration for 2022.3.X



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[Android] [Entities] Build fails with the error “Asset has disappeared while building player to 'globalgamemanagers.assets' - path '', instancedID '-xxxxxx'“ when building



Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached project "ReproProj" with the Android Platform
2. Open the “/Assets/_Scenes/Game.unity” Scene
3. Press Build in File > Build Settings
4. Repeat step 3 for 6 times

Expected result: Build succeeds all 6 times
Actual result: At some point build fails and the error “Asset has disappeared while building player to 'globalgamemanagers.assets' - path '', instancedID '-xxxxxx'“ appears in the Console window

Reproducible with: 1.0.10 (2022.3.4f1), 1.0.11 (2022.3.4f1)

Testing environment: Windows 10 Enterprise 21H2

- Might be reproducible with Windows Standalone Platform
- Most of the time it takes more than 6 times to reproduce the issue. It reproduces at random moments
- After getting the error it usually takes another attempt to build successfully
- It will reproduce more often after changing reference at prefab and triggering baking at dots project or compiling code than building the Player

Comments (22)

  1. kostya_lutsuk

    Aug 04, 2023 13:01

    Same here with Unity 2022.2.21 but on standalone build.
    com.unity.entities 1.0.8

  2. novaVision

    Jul 28, 2023 05:08

    Same here on Unity 2022.3.4 Android builds. The only difference - I can't build because of that at all, no matter how many attempt will be made.

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