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An error "Invalid AABB" shows up when a gameobject with Rigidbody has a child with Particle System



Reproduction steps:
1. Open the attached file;
2. Open the scene "kalin_dev";
3. Enter the Play mode;
4. Observe the Console window;

Actual result: Many errors show up in the Console window: "Invalid AABB aabb", "Invalid AABB result" and others.
Expected result: The errors should not show up.

Note: the user game project crashes reliably in Umbra at the same time when the errors "Invalid AABB" show up in the Editor. The call stack:
0x00007FF7E7C05F43 (CosmicTrip) Umbra::ShadowCullerExt::isAABBActive
0x00007FF7E7BFF9AD (CosmicTrip) UmbraModule::CullShadowCastersWithUmbraThreaded
Their game project stops crashing when the user stops the cause of "Invalid AABB" error logs. This repro project does not cause the crash in Umbra.

The cause requires a GameObject with a RigidBody component, with a child GameObject that has a ParticleSystem component with SimulationSpace = World and Rate over Time (in Emission) should be more than 25.

Reproduced with: 5.5.0b1, 5.5.0f1, 5.6.0b5
Not reproducible: 5.4.3f1, 5.5.0a1
Regression introduced in 5.5.0a3

  1. This is a duplicate of issue #862352

    [GI] Lighting momentarily darkens while scene is played

Comments (1)

  1. banyango

    May 04, 2017 22:52

    I'm running into this issue on 5.5.3p2 Can this be re-opened?

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